∗Temporary Telephone: 602-412-3898∗
Permanent Telephone: 877-932-7332
Shalita Oboe Reeds
Professional Oboe and English Horn Reeds and Supplies of Distinction
The Switch From Weber Reeds to Shalita Oboe Reeds
Hi, and welcome to the new site ShalitaOboeReeds.com. You are problably thinking what’s going on?
Basically, David and Vendla Weber have decided to hang up the reed knives and have retired. I’ve bought the business and so here we are.
Now, for some important information…
If you are a reed customer either purchasing individual reeds or on a subscription basis, don’t worry, everything will remain the same. The only difference will be the website and the voice answering calls at the other end of the phone. Please feel free to continue ordering as you have before.
If you are interested in cane, tools and reed making supplies, here is where you will see a difference. I will be providing this service little-by-little as I get my infrastructure set up. David, Vendla and I have had a reletively small amount of time to set up this transition. The good news is that I will b offering some exciting new items with some exciting new prices. Because my costs will be a bit lower, I plan to pass those savings on to you.
If there are items that you need and there is no time emergency involved, let me know and I’ll see if I can get it for you.
Please sign up for the mailing list and I will be able to let you know imediately when new items become available.
The physical Weber Reeds shop in Mesa will no longer be open, but the phone numbers will still be the same. If I can’t answer the phone, just as before leave a message and I will get back to you personally ASAP.
Repair services will continue and be done by Mary Simon. You can get in touch with her directly at 480-370-0057 and arrange whatever you need.
Once again, thank you for being a Weber Reeds customer and I hope I can continue to serve your oboe needs.